So yeah, on Monday I got tickets to 1D's book signing! I was on the ticketmaster web page the minute the tickets came to sale but it already said that there were no tickets available. Because I was bored and had nothing else to do I kept selecting the tickets because it never said the event was sold out. Doesn't hurt to try, right? Well I kept refreshing the page well over 20 times until it actually showed that I had one ticket selected???!!!! I almost fell off the chair and thought it was some kind of sick joke BUT IT WASN'T AND ON WEDNESDAY EVENING I WAS ON MY WAY TO MEET ONE DIRECTION!

When I arrived to the venue (Secret Location yooo!) I got handed the copy of their book, Where We Are, and then the queueing began! I queued approximately for two hours but at least I had a book to read while I was at it! And the place where we had to wait was decorated with Christmas lights and Midnight Memories was on reply so the time went pretty quickly :')

I was pretty chill about the whole thing while queuing but as I was getting closer and closer to upstairs where the signing was happening I started to freak out. And when I got to the upstairs, room next to where the boys were in, I seriously started to freak out and didn't know if I should sit down and start crying. Thankfully I did neither of those and kept my cool. And then it was time!!!
The boys didn't really have much time for one fan since there was approximately 700 of us and if they actually took pictures and hang out with the fans I would still be queuing there (idk when I'm gonna publish this post so this gets funnier the older this post gets)..
I had thought some of the things I wanted to tell them when I met them but
First was Zayn! I was dazzled by how gorgeous he is. If you have seen Night Changes video I can tell you; it was like the whole date thing was happening right in front of me but it was million times better because no one ended up with pasta on their head. He was so amazing! I didn't really know what to say so I just said Hi and he said "Hi, you alright?" and I think I just nodded and then he signed my book and then he looked at my hand and said "Nice rings. Those are sick!" YOU KNOW THE WAY ZAYN IS ALWAYS LIKE 'SICK' AND ALL THAT AND I GOT MY OWN SHARE OF IT AND IT HIT ME SO HARD THAT THIS PERSON IS SO REAL AND SO NICE AND A LITERAL SUNSHINE! And then I mumbled thanks and my mind was so blank I couldn't believe my life.

Then was Niall! My head was still spinning because of Zayn so all I could say to Niall was Hi, and then was Louis and I still didn't have my act together so I just said Hi. Which made mom angry later when I called her; I had promised that I would say hi from her because Louis is her favourite, but I didn't and I felt a bit bad afterwards. Mom was like 'They were so wonderful you forgot you had a mother?' Seems like that, yeah. Sorry about that.
(I sent her pictures later and she felt a bit better then so I think we're good now)

When it was Liam's turn I started to ease up a bit! He had drawn a picture of Harry Potter on the table and was talking about that so I just admired his work while he was signing my book. It actually looked pretty good the longer I stared at it :')

So yeah, that happened! It didn't last long but it was a pretty big deal to me and I never thought I would get the chance to meet them because they are 'quite' famous and all that.
+It was even better than I imagined because I have had this dream that when I meet Harry he has his hair tied up in a cute bun AND HE ACTUALLY DID! AND AT THE START OF THE SIGNING HE HAD HIS HAIR DOWN! IT WAS DESTINY THAT HE TIED UP HIS HAIR BEFORE I MET HIM DON'T EVEN TRY TO TELL ME OTHERWISE!

See, I told you I would venture out for my next post! :) But this was actually one of the biggest plot twists in my life. Now I'm taking rest of the year off of fangirling to save some energy for next year because there's a lots of concerts (+1 M&G, and I'm crying already) to attend to!
Next week I'm off to Finland and once I'm reunited with my PS3 I don't think I have time to make new posts any time soon so I'm trying to publish some Christmasy posts before that!
So stay tuned!
Have a wonderful Christmas time!
See ya!!
Olipa HUIPPU juttu huomata sulta päivitystä!:3 Veikkaan että saan kuulla lisää tästä kun tuut käymään täällä meitä ihailemassa ::') ♥ Tulehan turvallisesti Suomeen, ootan innolla ja ikävöin! ♥ Ja hei muuten ihanat sormukset <3
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