Reporting back from the concert that was over two weeks ago?? Time goes so so fast. But I can happily say I remember this like it was yesterday :P
This year's first concert! And I don't even care if it's too soon to say that it was also the best!
Slipknot has been my favourite band for some time now and needless to say that this day was an emotional roller-coaster.

There was probably like ~60 people in the M&G so the thing started around 4pm so there was plenty of time before the concert started. When everyone had arrived we went to this big room and everyone stood in a big circle and waited for _someone_ to arrive!
Oh, and you never guess who was the first to run to the room looking as excited as all the fans. Yup COREY TAYLOR!! My eyes went so big I wonder how they didn't pop out of me head.
When he came to me I couldn't do anything but hug him and cry. And he tried to calm me down and was like "are these good tears or bad?" and I was like "good ofc!!!" and hugged him again. I also kept apologizing for crying because back in 2012 when I met him for the first time he said to me "No more crying!". And when I told him that he was so adorable! He said: "Okay, you obviously didn't listen the first time so I'm telling you again. If I see you crying during the concert I will come down and... HAND YOU A CUPCAKE!" HOW CAN HE BE SO NICE AND SWEET!!!!!!!???? (I kept my cool during the concert so I missed the cupcakes!)

Chris Fehn came next and I was still suffering from Corey-after-shock so I didn't speak much.
Then was Jim Root, and he's just amazing as well and tall as hell!! I had completely forgotten how tall he was.
Sid looked stunning! His outfit was so in point. He's the coolest member, I must admit!
Last but definitely not least was Clown! I've always thought that he's the 'darkest' member of the group and then we start taking the picture AND HE GIVES ME THE WARMEST TEDDY-BEAR HUG! His hugs are better than.. Santa's?!! My heart melted because of that fondness :')

Then for the concert!!! We got an early entry so I got to enjoy the whole thing from the front row! <3 the only down side was that for the whole concert a dude over twice my size was leaning on my back and I was squeezed between him and the fence... But you know, it's not a proper concert if you can't feel it in the morning!
Slipknot and Korn performed Beastie Boys' Sabotage together which was a great surprise!!

And for the actual concert...! It was amazing as excepted! I was kinda hoping more songs from the new album but it was good to hear the old classics so no complaints there. Highlight was definitely during 'Before I Forget' when Corey stood in front of me and checked that I wasn't crying! Thankfully I wasn't so I gave him the biggest smile I could!

I didn't take much photos during the concert, though.. I didn't wanna experience the concert through the camera lens.
This was without a doubt one of the best nights and concerts of my life and I got a proper reminder why this band is my favourite and why Corey Taylor is the best singer to walk this earth.
When I was walking home after the concert I gave myself a mental high-five for choosing my idols so well!!
See ya next timee!!!!! xx